Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Show Update

Altar Boyz 6/20/08
A Chorus Line 6/27/08
Passing Strange (x2) 7/9/08, 7/19/08
Mary Poppins 7/9/08
[title of show] 7/21/08
August: Osage County 7/23/08

Monday, July 21, 2008


So I didn't realize how much time had passed since the last time I posted.

I am still alive, just in case there was speculation about that. (Although I doubt there was.)

Anyway, a lot has happened since I last wrote. Kind of. My internships have still basically been the same routine (film tracking, organizing closets and discs, running errands at TFF, selling tickets, setting sets up and taking them down, and eating lots of smarties at OHT.), but I've made some friends and seen a few shows and whatnot.

My best friend from home came to NY a few weeks ago, so on the 9th I asked for the day off and spent it hanging out with her. We got tickets to see Passing Strange (amazing show, I talked about it in one of my earlier posts), ate at a restaurant where the servers randomly broke into song (kind of like how Ed Debevics used to be but not as fun...and our server's name was "Flip" which cracked me up...) spent some time going to the Empire State Building before the show, saw the show, then finished off the day seeing Mary Poppins (amazing set. Fricken' Disney.). We were planning on going to the bar in Times Square that I really like after the show, but I had work the next morning and Rachel felt bad for keeping her cousin's awake since she had no key or anything and it was late. Then on Friday of that week (the 11th) we went to the Statue of Liberty. We took a bunch of pictures that were pretty ridiculous, but all in all it was a good time. We also found this AMAZING mediterranean restaurant near the World Trade Center site. We wanted to get food at the Statue of Liberty but it was super expensive and the lines were ridiculously long, so we went back to Manhattan to try and find something. We wandered around for awhile, noticing a lot of stuff was closed or didn't have anyplace to sit, when finally we saw a resturant next to a cafe (the cafe was closed) and decided to eat there. The food made us feel like we were back in Israel because it was so delicious. I want a falafal ball maker. Slash I want to learn how to make falafals and also hummus. Which are both made from the same things.

Anyway. My show tally for this trip goes a little something like this:
Altar Boyz, A Chorus Line, Passing Strange (twice this trip...SUCKS that it closed yesterday), and Mary Poppins.
Movie count: Wall-E, Hancock, Wanted, Dark Knight, and Mamma Mia (I've seen all of these in the past two weeks, I think).

I made some friends at the OHT, so we've been hanging out a lot. The one I've been hanging out with most is Rachel. She's really cool, and she's introduced me to some of her friends, so I've spent most of my time with her.

Kelsey comes to NY sometime this week, and Erik comes tomorrow, so maybe I'll get to hang out with either of them.

Kate and Laura are finally going out with Kaitlyn and me to lunch on Wednesday, and Laura is organizing a meeting with Craig on Thursday, so I'll get to meet him in my second to last week. Finally. I met Jon a few weeks ago, but I don't think he remembers me. I've seen him around a few times and he never looks like he knows who I am, but it happens. I told Kate this and she told me that he barely knows who she is, so I feel a little better.

I'm staying at Daniel's now while he's in Israel, so that's cool. His ceiling leaks. I thought they fixed that last time I stayed there, but apparently the problem is back, but this time in almost full force. The light showered the floor this morning. (I slept on the couch because...I didn't feel like moving...)

I'm really sore from yesterday's strike. My body is literally hurting. Kind of ridiculous, but whatever.

Who's reading this? I have three subscribers.

Ok, that's all for now. Maybe I'll update more often? Maybe?

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Movies, Parties, Sandals...

Nothing really all that new to report. Still lots of organizing and ticket selling at the internships. Movie watching, too. Bart Got a Room = good movie. I recommend it. We also watched I'm Reed Fish (which has Alexis Bledel), but that's weird. It's not bad, just weird.

Friday I saw my first Broadway show since being here! Yay to that. Jeremy came to visit me (I haven't seen him in probably 5 or 6 years) and we went to see A Chorus Line (with MARIO LOPEZ). Oh my gosh, his arms. I was in the balcony and I could see every move he made. He's a ham though, that's for sure. The show was good overall though. Audition truth, perhaps? Then we found a good Irish Pub and made friends with Dublin Dave, the bartender. Definitely going back there at some point. He gave us a free shot. Niiice.

McKinley's bday party was Saturday which was...a party. Ha. It was fun. But then I had to leave for work and it was raining ridiculously hard and I got soaked. Which was kind of ok because when we turned the fan on it actually cooled me down instead of just blowing hot air in my face.

My head hurts. As does my neck and my back and my everything. I need a massage. And to pull my throat out. It hurts.

Had dinner with Tema tonight, which was quite fun. I haven't seen her in aaaages. Then after dinner I wandered around union square for a little bit, then headed back home because my tylenol wore off and I started feeling awful.

Also, what is it about sandals that make them cut into your feet regardless of how many times you wear them? Old Navy, I'm talking to you. No matter how many times I wear my black sandals I can't wear them in and they cut my feet. So I have these big ugly red blisters in one part on both of my feet, making all other shoes I wear look ugly on my stupid blistery feet. Ridiculous.

Ok, I think I'm going to take a tylenol PM and go to sleep. 'Night.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Close Encounters

I was thisclose to meeting my cousin Craig today. THISCLOSE. I was sent on an errand to deliver a book to his home before he leaves for the airport. I'm in the cab on the way there, when I get a phone call from K, Craig's assistant and one of the girls I'm interning for.

K: "So...are you going to say hi to Craig?"

Me: "I was planning on it."

K: "Ok good. Just say 'hi, I'm your cousin,' simple as pie."

Me: "Oh, I was going to more along the lines of 'Hi, I'm Esther,' and then wait for the blank stare."

K: "That works too. He's leaving for the airport pretty soon, so he'll probably be out of sorts."

Me: "I kind of figured."

K: "Ok, call me when you're done. Bye!"


Five minutes later, I'm standing outside of the Dakota, his GINORMOUS home, and K calls again.

K: "Hey, since Craig is running off to the airport he just wants you to leave the book with his doorman. So just drop it off."

Awesome. So, I've yet to meet Craig, my cousin, who I've been interning for for almost a month now. Cool.

On the upside, I did meet Jon, my other cousin last night. So that was exciting.

The end.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I can't believe that it's only 3:30. Today feels like it has been going by SO slowly, it's bordering on ridiculous. Anyway, I guess I should recap last week so I (and you) can remember (and know) what I've been up to.

Tuesday was spent doing a whole lot of nothing as usual. Nothing to do at the theatre either, so I went a-wandering around, then ended up at home.

Wednesday the interns (Kaitlyn, Lexi, Harrison, and I) went out to get drinks with David, one of the guys from the other building who actually works at Tribeca. It was a pretty fun night. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Thursday Helsinki Syndrome had their second show, which went well. I didn't get to see the show that night though, so I'll save that for later. Lots of cleanup that went pretty quickly though, so that was nice.

Friday Janya came to visit me all the way from Washington DC! It was definitely awesome having her here. We explored Times Square and the surrounding area, even somewhat checking out the Fashion District. Somewhat. We sort of couldn't find it sometimes, so we'd loop around and end up somewhere that we weren't expecting. Meh. We went to hang out at the Playwright Tavern in Times Square for a bit, where we drank cider and watched the soccer game for a bit, then had dinner at Friday's. Very unimpressive. Anyway, then we went to see Altar Boyz!! First show I've seen in NY this trip that wasn't where I worked. Very cool. The show itself was hilarious, the Boyz had great energy, and the voices were amazing. Michael Kadin Craig, who played Matthew, JUST graduated from college last year. Incredible. And Neil Haskell from So You Think You Can Dance was in the show too. Everyone did such a good job, I'm glad it was my first show.

Saturday I slept in (ah, the gloriousness of sleep), then headed down to the East Village to wander around a bit. Went to the theatre, hung out in the nice cool air conditioning, then got to watch the show! It was very interesting. I'm not quite sure I know what was going on, but it was definitely an experience. And it was funny! Polar bears + snowstorms + fake blood + glitter = amazing. And the company members were all really awesome. After the show I went out to the Telephone Bar (which is mentioned in Passing Strange!) with the company plus Brendan (the stage manager for the night). Then Brendan accompanied me home (we both take the 6 train to get home, how exciting! ha.), and I went home and went to bed.

Sunday was strike for Helsinki Syndrome, so I was there from 10-12, then hung out with the interns for a bit, then headed home for a quick nap before watching Gone Baby Gone with Daniel and his friends. Interesting movie.

Yesterday involved a lot of organizing at the office, then going to the theatre and actually building a set! Exciting.

Today we watched I'm Reed Fish. Then later there's an intern mixer. And then I get to go to a rehearsal. How overwhelming.

Sad. Lexi just showed me how they do the sawing a person in half trick. I feel so disillusioned. I guess on that note I'll go back to....doing nothing. Slash making coffee.

P.S. Sorry these posts are so long with very little entertainment value. Ha. If you want entertainment though, go to Craigslist. Those posts are CRAZY. No joke.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Boring Time Max

Dear James Franco,
You're very pretty, but please, don't ever write another movie. Unless you get some serious help.
Thank you.

Yesterday, because there was almost nothing to do, the interns and I decided to watch a movie. We picked "Good Time Max" because it looked interesting, had James Franco as the writer/director/star...and because they didn't have Charlie Bartlett.

We piled into the conference room, turned on the movie...and seven hours later came out thinking "I want my life back." Ok, seven hours is exaggerating just a tad. The movie's run time is actually only about an hour and a half, but it is SO dragged out that it made me feel like I wasted my entire day watching it. Nice try James Franco. Granted, it must be difficult to write, direct, and star in a movie all at once, but really? Get help next time.

Thankfully, later we made up for it by watching the Italy/France soccer game. With snacks. And beverages. Woo.

There's a new show at the Ontological, too. It's called Helsinki Syndrome, and this is their first time performing in NY. It opens tonight, and I haven't seen any rehearsals, but it seems like it will be one hell of an experience. Somehow a show that has flashlights and blood and snowflakes seems like a recipe for perfection.

That's about it for now. Peace out, homeskillets.

Monday, June 09, 2008

A la TFF

Nothing really new to report as of yet. Still keeping semi-busy at TFF. I ran a few errands last week. Helped Kate and Laura organize Craig's books and put them in a closet. Organized the submissions from '07.
Thursday night I got to watch the show at Ontological. Very interesting. As I told Dan (the director?), it's not as peppy as Wicked but not as depressing as Spring Awakening. He liked that comparison. Sweet.

Friday I woke up to some sad news. One of my friends that I've known since nursery school (maybe even before that) took her life Thursday night. It really sucks. The last time I talked to her she told me she was doing ok, but that was back in December. I'm just glad she's out of pain now, even though it sucks. That's all I can say right now.

Friday night I went to Daniel's friend Dan's sister's place for Shabbat dinner. It was really cool, the room we were in had a great view of the city. After dinner I went home and had a mellow night. I wasn't really in the mood to go out and party or anything.

Saturday I had work at Ontological again, so I headed over there around 3. They had me vacuum the carpet (confetti was getting all over the place!), fill the water bottles/beer bottle, and sweep the stage, and then I had a break until Dan got there. I cut the pieces of cake for the actors (good cake too - marshmallow and chocolate...yum...), then had a break again until 7:15, where we opened the box office. The other two interns got to watch the show, and I stayed outside and tallied the sales totals. Woo. Fun times.

After the show I met up with Josh (from the cruise) at the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. We got there while Dave was on his break, so we caught up for a little bit until Dave got there. Then Dave went over to play the piano and Josh and I moved from the bar to sit closer to the piano. It was a good night, I think. This woman went up to sit next to Dave on his piano bench and was sitting really close to him and being all awkward, saying things like "you play piano just like my husband", and then I think she went and asked some random guy to dance. She was drinking his water and everything. Super awkward. Ha. After Dave finished playing I went home and went to bed. It was really good to see Josh and to hear Dave again, but we definitely missed the rest of the crew!

Sunday I sort of hung around the house. It was really hot outside! There were talks of a heat wave, and as I am not a huge fan of sweltering heat, I stayed in my air conditioned room. I talked to Geoff around 10. It was good to talk to him, but sad at the same time. He said he might come to NY soon, so that would be cool.

We haven't been given any projects yet today, so Lexi, Kaitlyn and I watched "My Marlon and Brando," a submission from the festival. It was interesting. And sad. I hope we watch a happy movie next. Ooh, and Wednesday I think Lexi, Kaitlyn and I are going to go see Passing Strange! I'm excited about that, it was ridiculously good when I saw it last time. Woot.

I think it's just about time to do the mail, so peace out homeskillets.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Mid-day observation.

The fastest solution to having someone sign offline when you want to talk to them?

Send them a message.

It's almost automatic.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


I'd really like to have an Adam Sandler movie extravaganza.
I mean, he DID just win the MTV Generation Award. Why not watch a ton of his movies? And then end the whole extravaganza seeing Zohan. Or even starting the extravaganza off with that. (I really like the word extravaganza.)

So. What movies should I add to the list?
What beverages?
What other things should I add to this event?

I'm not planning on doing it for awhile, but I might as well start planning isn't like I'm really doing much else.

Oh New York...

So. I've made it to New York! Hurray for me.
I haven't been here for long, but in New York a day is like a week. Or a month. Or a year. So I'm told.

I arrived in New York around 11pm on Wednesday with a few airport mishaps (someone was in our parking spot and then we were parked 6 inches too far forward. Ridiculous.), then I was off to Daniel's for the night.
The next day (Thursday) I headed to Susie's (my cousin) to get situated in my temporary home. Not a bad place to stay, let me tell you. I kind of feel like Annie - first I'll do the windows...then the floors! Seriously. I'm not accustomed to this kind of luxury. Two story apartment on Park Ave, not bad at all.

Friday was spent wandering around. I walked ALL OVER. Started at Susie's (76th and Park), then wandered down to Times Square (48th and Broadway), then to Daniel's (59th and 2nd Ave), then back to Susie's. And then Daniel and I went to David's surprise party (26th and 6th? or something like that.) David's surprise party was fun, I got to hang out with Rebecca and Aunt Terry and Uncle Bruce and meet all his friends and the like. Good times. Then Daniel and I split a cab back up to our respective homes.

Saturday it rained, but I wandered around a bit anyway. Susie and Alan left for the weekend, so I was on my own for a bit. Not too bad.

Sunday was the Salute to Israel Parade! It was pretty cool. I met up with Jenna and Irene, who I met on JNF's ASB trip, and we watched the parade together. I was waiting to see if I knew anyone from JNF who was marching, but sadly we didn't recognize anyone. Towards the end of the parade I noticed I was turning a tad bit red, so I headed home before the sun did any more damage. I watched a movie and waited for Susie to come home, then went to bed around 11.

Monday: Day 1 of my Tribeca internship. I got there and was introduced to Kate and Laura, Craig's assistants, and Kaitlyn (sp?) the other intern who was interning for Kate and Laura. Kate gave us a quick tour, took us over to the cinemas (which were locked), then over to T65 where we would be working. It's a very relaxed environment, which is cool. The only project I really worked on that first day was sorting the dvds. If one person sent in more than one submission to TFF, then I had to pull the multiple dvds out, stick them in jewel cases, and put a post it on it saying the name of who sent it in. Awesome. The rest of the day was devoted to surfing the web. And searching for release dates of TFF alum. Woo! David, another guy who has two interns (Harrison and Lexi) took all the interns from T65 out to lunch at this place called Peace and Love. Really good food. Then it was back to surfing the web. It's really busy here at Tribeca, you better watch out. After I left, I went home. Ontological said that they didn't need me since the show was in "run mode". Susie asked if I wanted to see a movie, I said sure, so we went to see The Visitor. Good movie. It's definitely not one of those uplifting movies though, that's for sure.

Tuesday: Arrived at Tribeca at 10:30. Spent the day looking up release dates...and looking at LOST theories. (There are some ridiculously funny recaps of the season finale out there!) At 1 I went to lunch with Kate and Kaitlyn at "Bubby's". Really good food. I tried to meet up with Craig (he left) and Jon (he was in a meeting), but that didn't happen. Maybe later this week. We all left at 5:30. Exciting day! Ha. I had to get to Ontological, so I got on the Subway (woo) and made it over there just in time for my 6pm start time. I met Shannon, and some of the actors, then got the water bottles and props and stuff ready for the show. at 7:15, Shannon showed me how to run the box office! I was important. Ha. The doors opened for the show at 7:55, then the show started at 8:05. After the show started I tallied up all the ticket sales, then at 8:55ish the show was over. I left at 9, made it back to Susie's around 9:45. Not bad.

Wednesday: Not much has happened yet today. I got to Tribeca really early, so I went over to Peace and Love to get a coffee and read before I actually had to be there. Now I'm just hanging out, surfing the web, looking at blogs and whatnot. Maybe I'll get lunch at 1. Woo.

I guess that's all for now!

Dave is playing at the Marriott Marquis on Broadway on Saturday, so I think Josh (from the cruise) and I are going to meet up and go listen. As Borat would say...Nice!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Weekend In The Country...

I've been so busy with rehearsal for the show I'm in (A Little Night Music) that I haven't even had time to catch my breath. I'm probably super behind on schoolwork, but I'll work on that later.

I love rehearsal. I love doing the actual show more, but rehearsal is so fun for me. I think it's because you're actually working towards a finished product to show to audiences and get a response, along with getting to use costumes and sets and lights and all that. I don't know, it just makes me feel like I'm actually doing something versus being in a class working on a scene for a teacher who is just going to rip the scene apart (even if it is to help).

Anyway, if you're in the Northern California area, A Little Night Music is opening at CSU, Chico May 1 and running until the 10th. May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10 performances are at 7:30pm, May 4 performance is at 2pm. This is the show that includes such hits as "Send in the Clowns", "A Weekend in the Country", and "Glamorous Life".

E-mail me ( for more information, or just check out .

Monday, April 07, 2008

I'm missing the background music.

"The problem with reality is the lack of background music." - Jim Carrey

How very true. I can't even count how many times I've thought "if there was music playing here, it'd be so cool." Like when you're running through a crowded area because you're late. Or feeling lonely. Or finding out that you got a job that you really wanted. No music plays in real life. And that is sad. At the same time, music changes your point of view on what is going on, so if you are already feeling lonely and a sad song starts could quite possibly feel lonelier. But that's just what I think. Which is what this blog is about...things I think about. So. There's that.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Spring Break In Israel

So I meant to write this a few days ago, but I just kept getting so busy (or lazy...) that I haven't written it yet. So! For spring break I went to New York and Israel, which in reality wasn't much of a break, but it was amazing nonetheless. I figured I'd document it here for your (whoever you might be) reading pleasure. So here goes.

March 13/14, 2008 - Day 1
After getting out of class at 2:30, Paul and I went to get ice cream, then I went home to finish packing. At 4, Casey and I left for the airport. We stopped on our way to get gas (he was driving my car), then made it there so I was barely an hour early for my 6:30 flight. I checked in, then hung out in the airport for a bit, mainly reading. Boring. Then I flew down to LAX, where my family picked me up! Mom, Dad, Lewis and I drove over to CPK (which I was ridiculously excited for...we don't have that in Chico) for dinner. Lacey met us over there. After dinner, the fam drove me back over to the airport for my 11:00pm flight to New York. I slept for most of the flight, then landed in New York. I took a car to Daniel's apartment, where Daniel said hi, then left for work. I took a nap for a few hours, then got up and walked from his apartment to Times Square. I walked around there for a few hours, then Daniel met me at the Nederlander Theatre to try and get tickets for RENT. We didn't get picked for the lottery, so we went to TKTS to see if we could get decent tickets for Spring Awakening. They just had partial view, so we got tickets to Passing Strange (which I had never heard of, but it was on the list of shows that TKTS had, so I figured why not?). After TKTS, we went to dinner at Mars 2112, which was this weird alien restaurant. While we were there Daniel and I talked about what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, the alien wanted to mate with him. And we joked about how all the dressed up aliens were child molesters. 'Twas quite amusing. But it was all in jest. The food was actually pretty good, and our server was awesome. We told him we were going to see a show and we needed to eat quick so if he could bring us our food and check at the same time that would be awesome, and he basically did that. So that was cool. After dinner, we rushed over to the theatre for Passing Strange. I think that show was amazing. It chronicled this man Stew's life. Really good. I love the music too. (Check out for more information!) After the show, Daniel and I ran home to his apartment (via subway) to change, then went to this bar called The Other Room, in the West Village where I met some of his co-workers. While his co-workers were all talking to each other, two random guys came up and started hitting on me. They were from New Orleans, but had just moved to New York. It was pretty hilarious, they were superdrunk. Then around 2AM, Daniel and I went home and went to bed.

March 15 - Day 2
Woke up superearly (7am) to get in line for Spring Awakening student rush tickets. Got there around 7:40, where it was supercold. (I was pretty dumb about it too...I wore a regular sweatshirt without a hood, no scarf, a tank top under my sweatshirt, no gloves...I was pretty cold. I'm pretty sure I lost feeling in my toes at one point.) Then at 10:00, the box office opened, and at 10:15, Daniel and I walked away with tickets! Score. Then we went to Duane Reade to buy shampoo and conditioner for me (for Israel) and razors for Daniel, then went back to Daniel's apartment and slept til about 2:30. Then we woke up, showered, got dressed, and walked to the MET to look at some of the exhibits. It was pretty cool. We saw the fashion one, which was pretty crazy. They had this hat that was made completely out of human hair. I don't know of anyone who would wear that, but ok then. Then we tried to find the musical instrument exhibit but it was closed for renovations. Lame! Then we rushed home (so much rushing!) and got ready to go to dinner. As we walked down to the cab we called Mom to wish her a happy birthday. Then, we went to La Masseria, an Italian restaurant by Daniel's work. Good food. Daniel and I talked about what makes a person "interesting". It's kind of hard to define, but I think we figured it out. Kind of. Then we went over to Spring Awakening, where we saw David! He met up with us in front of the theatre to say hi and catch up before rushing off to celebrate his 6 month anniversary with Jess. After he left, Daniel's married friends Barry and Kate met up with us, and we went inside the theatre together. The show was pretty good. Darker than I was expecting, but still good. Some of the stuff was hard to see because we had partial view seats, but it was cool just being there. After the show we went to this bar down the street from the theatre called "Social" to get a drink. Then Daniel's friends went home, and we went to this bar/club called The Sapphire Lounge. We met up with Joey there, hung out for a bit and talked, then left to go to Daniel's friend's birthday party at Sway, another club. It was a cool club, but my feet were killing me so I sat down for most of it. Then around 3am, Daniel and I headed home.

March 16 - Day 3
I woke up at 8:15 to finish packing, then said goodbye to Daniel and hopped in a car to JFK. When I got there I checked in with JNF, said hi to Jason P. (from BCI, the guy who told me about this trip), then hung out with Geoff, Andrea, and Liz (Geoff's friends from GW) while we waited to board our flight at 2:20. Once we finally boarded the plane, I slept for most of it, but watched part of Enchanted. We arrived in Israel at 6:30am.

March 17 - Day 4
Got off the plane, got our luggage, then made our way to the bus. We had breakfast (muffins), then drove to the Negev, where we started right off with a lot of weeding and cleaning for a few hours. At around 3 we headed to Sde Boker, the kibbutz and final resting place of Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben Gurion. We got there around 4:45. We got our room keys, then had free time until 6:15. I took a nap and then showered. At 6:15, we walked over to the dining hall and had dinner. After dinner, a few of us wandered around a bit to explore. We saw a bunch of the high school students making sculptures out of recyclables and boxes and stuff. It was pretty cool. They wanted us to come back the next night to help them paint. Then we had a bus meeting, and walked to this park area. We played a name game and talked about an article for a bit, then found out we were painting and cleaning the next day. At 9 they released us (not that we were imprisoned or anything), so I went back to my room, then decided I wasn't tired yet and went to find Jason P. I thanked him for telling me about the trip, then talked about other stuff for awhile. Then the other Jason (Jason F, the other bus leader) came over and started talking to us. Then Jason P left, and I talked to Jason F for awhile about a bunch of random stuff. Around 10:30 (I think?) we said goodnight, and I went to bed.

March 18 - Day 5
Woke up at 6:30 for breakfast at 7. Got on the bus at 8 for a short ride to go hear the mayor talk. He was talking about the Negev and all the things that were being done to fix it. It was pretty cool. Then we went to Dimona, where we were assigned different projects. 20 people from each bus were recruited to paint buildings, and the rest to paint the playground and build stuff over there. I painted the buildings. We painted for about 2 hours, then took a break for lunch, where we had cold cuts and pita. Mmm. After lunch we resumed painting to finish the buildings. We got pretty far, and it looked really cool to actually see the difference we were making so immediately. At one point while we were painting I had a run in with a (maybe?) community member (who was young), but I moved on from it. Anyway, after cleaning up the painting supplies, we drove back to the Kibbutz to change and get ready for dinner and the night hike. We met up at 5:30 in front of the cabins as a bus. Then we walked to Ben Gurion's grave overlooking the crator. We talked about Ben Gurion's visions, and his ideas about reviving the Negev. Then we talked about the Dead Sea and how the water spply is decreasing, then we moved on to talking about moving to the Negev eventually. It was a really interesting discussion. After that we went to dinner, then drove away from the Kibbutz a bit and started the night hike where we walked through the crator. It was a cool hike, but really hard towards the end. I think it would have been even cooler if we had turned off our flashlights and just walked with the moonlight, but I can understand that it could've been dangerous to do that. After the hike everyone went to hang out because we were done for the day. I sat out in the courtyard with people for awhile, then around 11 went to take a shower (I tried to blowdry my hair, but I accidentally blew out the outlet...oops!) and went to bed.

March 19 - Day 6
Woke up early to go to breakfast, then spent the day at a vineyard moving sticks and branches away from the vines so they could grow. Although it may not seem like much, Karen (a woman who used to work for the Or movement) told me that had we not been there to help, the work would not have gotten done, and the profit for this year would be very low. So yay us! We were there for a good 7 hours in the bright, ridiculously hot sun. I got pretty badly sunburnt on my neck and arms. Ouch. We came back to the kibbutz at about 4:30, then had some free time, during which I went to the store with Geoff, Andrea, and Liz to buy wine, chocolate and chocolate milk. Then I went and took a shower and decided not to wash my hair in fear of hurting my neck. Then I went outside and started talking to Jason F, and then we went to his room looking for Jason P to see if he had my song on his iPod, but he was taking a nap. And also, he didn't have it. Then I left Jason squared's room, and went to dinner. After dinner we went and heard a man talk about the Bedouin community and what could be done to help it. He said he had 3 moms and 26 brothers and sisters. He also said that anytime anything bad happened with the community (good or bad) every single person was involved. It was really interesting. After that we had a bus meeting where we talked about how sometimes people didn't think that we should come in and do community service work where they live and how we all feel about that. Then Jason P had me talk about my experience with the kid who said he didn't need our help and whatnot. After the meeting a bunch of us shared some wine and had a good time. After awhile I went to bed after talking to Stephanie and Lauren (my roommates) for a bit. Good times

March 20 - Day 7
Had our stuff packed by 7:45, then took it where we heard the Bedouin speaker. After that was breakfast, then we left to walk to our hike. The walk took about half an hour, and then we were at the hike site! It was a nature reserve, so it was really cool. We hiked from 9:30 until about 11:45. At the end I kind of felt like I was going to pass out, but I also felt accomplished. Woo! Then we went back to the Kibbutz to put our stuff on the bus, then went to lunch. After lunch we got on the bus and drove to Jerusalem. We arrived in Jerusalem to the hotel we were staying at, then took QUICK showers and went down to the lobby 45 minutes later. Then we traveled to the Kotel for half an hour, then separated by who wanted to hear the Megillah read (and where), or if they wanted to go shopping. I chose Ben Yehuda street in Jerusalem and went shopping. I finally got my falafel, and oh man was it DELICIOUS! Then we walked the street, shopping. I ended up buying a necklace that is a chamsa with a Jewish star in the middle and colorful crystals down the side. Very pretty. At 8:30 all the groups met up, then walked over to Capricorn, a club/karaoke bar. After getting drinks, a bunch of us went to go dance. Irene, Jenna, Andrea, Liz, Geoff, and I all went pretty crazy on the dance floor. Kind of. I got kind of hot after awhile, so I went outside and hung out there for the rest of the night. Eventually the bus came, so we got on and sang camp songs all the way back to our hotel. It was awesome. When we got back, a lot of people hung out outside for a long time. Finally, at 1am I decided it was late, and went to bed.

March 21 - Day 8
Drove from Jerusalem to a farm to pick strawberries. The strawberry farm is completely volunteer run and is all donated to the less fortunate. We did that for a few hours, and it was really fun. I talked to Jenna and Irene pretty much the whole time about school and people and other random stuff. It was cool bonding with them. After that we drove to Tel Aviv where we had two hours to go shopping. I walked around with Geoff, Aaron, Lauren, Jenna, and sometimes Liz and Andrea. I bought a magnet chamsa that says Jerusalem on it and has stones and stuff. Very pretty. Then I walked with Geoff to find this really cool mezuzah made out of Dead Sea Sand. After that we met up with the rest of the bus. Then we drove back to the hotel to get ready for Shabbat. I took a shower and then got dressed. I finally got to blow dry my hair again! Sherry had a converter/adapter thing, so I borrowed that. After that, we all headed downstairs for Shabbat Shira, then cancle lighting. They separated the boys and the girls, so the girls went to light candles, and then after that the boys brought us flowers! It was cool. Geoff gave me two flowers. Then we hung out for a few minutes, where Jason F put a flower in my hair. Good times. Then we all went to our respective services (I went to the Egalitarian/Conservative service) After services was dinner, then we had a bus meeting/discussion. We talked about the trip and stuff, then Jason P made me sing for a wristband. I sang the first 2 verses of the song I wrote at BCI ( After the big meeting we all got wine from when we worked at the vineyard. After the meeting/wine we had free time, so I hung out with a bunch of people and we all exchanged stories about all sorts of things (mostly embarrassing/awkward moments). Then after awhile I was cold, so I went back to my room and grabbed a sweatshirt, then came back out and talked to Jenna and Irene for a few minutes, then went to bed.

March 22 - Day 9
Slept in til 9:15, then listened to music for a bit. At 10:30 we had coffee and cake, then at 11 we had a bus meeting discussion. We played charades and then talked about how we could bring the JNF experience back to our peers and make people come to Israel in the future. After that we had lunch, then Shabbat menucha, where I listened to music on the grass, then ran into Jason F and talked to him for the rest of free time. Then it was time for the third meal, Seudah Shelishit, where we had another bus discussion about what we thought of the trip. Jason, Jason and David also passed around foot. Yum! Then we had a little more time to go pack, and then we had to come downstairs for Havdallah. I love Havdallah. They brought all the buses together, and had the same tune in Israel as in California. Nice. After that we had to bring our suitcases and whatnot downstairs, then got on the bus. We went to a kibbutz for dinner where we had spaghetti and pizza and salad. Yum again. After dinner we got back on the bus and went to the airport. We said goodbye to everyone who had extended their trip, then went through security. Walked around there for ahwile, then saw Jamie from BCI! I miss that girl. then she boarded her flight, and we boarded ours, and we were on our way back to New York!

March 23 - Day 10
Slept for most of the plane ride, but woke up when there was AWFUL turbulence. Then went back to sleep. I woke up 3 hours before the end of the flight. A lot of people were up then. I watched August Rush (good movie), then talked to Rachel, Stephanie, Sherry, Michelle, Leah, and Jason. All at different times. We shared my pop rocks chocolate. Finally, the plane landed at 6:40am, and we all went through passport control and customs and such. After I got my bag, I said goodbye to people, which was sad. I headed to the air train to go to the right terminal, then tried to kill some time by getting breakfast. After that I still had a ton of time, so I went to my terminal and read for awhile. Then Dad called, and Lynn called, so I used up some time talking to them. Then we boarded the plane, where I slept for about 2 hours, and read for the rest of the time. Arrived at LAX, then went to lunch/dinner with Mom and Dad at Islands. I love Islands. Then Mom and Dad dropped me off at the airport, and I flew to Sacramento, where Sean picked me up. Then I was home!

The end.

Overall, I think it was a really good trip. I love Israel. And I miss my bus friends. But that happens.

I'll try to post pictures later, but my internet is being slow right now.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My (Not So) Weird Day

So today was interesting. Kind of. It started out with me waking up before my alarm went off, which has pretty much been happening all week. My body clock is still all out of whack from coming back from Israel, I guess. But at least it means that when I wake up I'm not ridiculously tired like I was before break, so that's good.

Anyway, I spent the two hours I had before my alarm went off looking online at a bunch of random things like my old livejournal, people's facebook/myspace pages, and constantly checking my e-mail. I'm a compulsive website checker. If I'm at home and near my computer, I tend to refresh pages multiple times an hour. I like checking to see if anything new has arrived. Usually I'm disappointed and nothing shows up, but sometimes I'm surprised by the things that magically appear in my inbox. For instance, a coupon for 20% off a dvd collection at Borders. Too bad there are no Borders near me. Sadness. ANYWAY. Wow, talk about a tangent.

When my alarm finally went off at 9, I got up and got ready for school, then made my way over to the bus stop. I got there 20 minutes before the bus was supposed to come, which was dumb, but I wasn't really paying attention to the clock. It was pretty chilly out, which was kind of weird. Before break it was ridiculously warm, almost to the point of wanting to wear shorts. Some people actually did, but I don't really own any shorts. But again, TANGENT. So while I was waiting for the bus, since I had oodles of time, I read. I'm currently reading Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner. So far it's pretty good, but I'm really only a few chapters into it. I just finished In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner on Tuesday, and I really enjoyed that, so I figured I'd read books by the same author. I do that sometimes, I'll just go to bookstores and buy 2 or 3 or 8 books by the same author and just read all the books by that author. It's especially good when I actually like the author's writing style.

At about 9:30, Casey (my roommate) showed up at the bus stop, so that was neat. I don't think we've ever taken the bus together on a Friday. How exciting! Ha. We talked for a little bit on the bus, which was nice. We don't talk much anymore because we're both so busy. (Or rather, he's busy. I spend my time doing a whole lot of nothing. Except homework. And reading. Woo.) It was nice catching up with him. Once we got to school we went our separate ways, him to his English class and I headed off to my Beginning Voice class. This week we sang our narrative/storytelling songs. I sang "Someday" from The Wedding Singer. Daun said that I'm getting better, but I feel like I'm not really doing anything different. But apparently I am, so that's cool. Woo. Then there was Studio Voice, blah blah blah.

Marty gave me a ride home after class, and I basically looked for internships and jobs for the rest of the day. I ended up applying for about 15 different kinds of jobs, so hopefully something will come of it. I figure the more I apply for, the better my chances are of getting a possible offer. Right? Right.

Casey and I went to meet Michelle (his girlfriend person who isn't his official girlfriend...or something...) for lunch at Broadway Heights. I love that place. It's expensive, but the food is SO GOOD. Their Thai Chicken Sandwich? Mmm. And the spicy pasta...yum...ok now I'm kind of getting hungry again. We went to Powell's (the candy store) after we finished lunch, which was fun. They always have Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory playing in there. I wonder if they employees get tired of it being on a loop all the time. Then we made our way back home, where I went back to looking for internships. (The final tally of 15 didn't happen until about 1:30am, so...yeah. Just to clear that up. In case anyone was confused. Because so many people read this. Yeah.)

Around 7:30 I went with Stina and Marty to go shopping for coal's for their hookah and alcohol for drinking. After that extravagant (...boring...) shopping trip, we headed back to Stina's to watch French Kiss and eat cake. I love that movie. Kevin Kline is hilarious. That whole move is awesome, lots of comic moments. Like when she raises her hand on the airplane? Or falls over the tray of food? Or when he says something about how he's changing just for her. Awesome. Cracks me up. I'm so glad I found that movie. Carly came over just as the movie was starting, so that was cool. Then Eric came over during the one racy part of the movie. Ha. And Stina made cake while we were watching! Which was DELICIOUS. Seriously.

After the movie, Carly and Eric left, and then Kelsey came home! We started talking about drugs (like sleep aids and strep throat drugs and whatnot. And kind of shrooms, but only for a second.) Then we were talking about how if someone of authority tells you something, like a doctor, chances are you're going to believe it. How weird is that? You would just take everything they say at face value, just because they are supposed to know what they're talking about. But really, anything they say could be untrue, right? We were also talking about how some anti-depressants actually CAUSE depression or suicidal thoughts. That's so ridiculous. They're supposed to help, not make things worse. But yeah.

Then Marty and Kelsey ran to jump in the pool superquick (even though it was COLD outside), then came back and got dressed. After that they all went to Whitney's (I think), and I went home to find more internships and stuff. A few minutes after I got home, Casey told me that people were coming over, which, I guess. Danielle and Leo and James and Jimmy came over to play some video games. I pretty much stayed in my room looking at internships (yeah, I'm determined to get a job, whatever), but I peeked my head out for a few minutes to give Danielle, Jimmy, and Leo their Israeli pop rock chocolate. I only have one bar of that left. I haven't decided if I'm going to give it to someone or keep it for myself. It's just so good...Who knows? Maybe I could share it with someone. We'll see.

Jimmy popped into my room for a bit, so I talked to him, and that was cool. He auditioned for SRT and got in, so that's awesome. A lot of people got cast in SRT this summer, which is so good for them. Jimmy and I talked about our breaks (kind of) and what we're planning to do with our summers and stuff, so....there was that. It was nice talking to him. I get kind of disconnected with people sometimes. Then he decided to go home, so that was the end of that.

Eventually, at about 3:30, Danielle and Leo left. So....I was reading for a bit, and then decided I wanted to write in this thing. Yeah.

So basically that's it. I guess sometimes I leave parts of stories out and it makes it confusing or less interesting. But whatever. I think I'm off to bed, I kind of feel sick. So. Goodnight!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Well hello there.


I never know how to start these things. Do I do a survey to say who I am and what I'm all about? Aside from being ridiculously unoriginal, it takes up too much time and I'm just not interested in doing that. In my lifetime, I've had 6 livejournals, a xanga, a myspace blog, and a written journal at one point or another. Really, not even kidding. Normally I started the online journals with a post such as "I am amusing." or "Hi." However, I feel like this is different than those in some way. Maybe because everything I post is public? I don't really know.

Anyway, I guess I should start with the basics. I'm Esther. You can call me Oyster. Or Squidget. (Wow, haven't thought about that nickname in awhile.) I'm a musical theatre major. I live in a small town. I plan on moving to New York someday, and possibly Israel after that.

Well, now that we've gotten the boring introductions over with....I don't really know what else to write. I've had this blog for about a year and a half, and I'm just now getting around to writing in it. I was writing in my last livejournal for a few months, but...I sort of phased it out somehow. I started reading a blog by Jen Lancaster ( and it got me interested in writing again. Interesting and funny authors do that to me, they make me want to tell my story. Of course, then I don't feel funny anymore because I'm comparing myself to them, but that's beside the point I suppose.

I just got back from Israel on Sunday, but I think I'll write about that later. This is still the "introduction post" or whatever.

Hmm. I guess that's it for now then.

But I'll leave you with this:

"Never regret. If it's good, it's great. If it's bad, it's experience." - Victoria Holt